mercoledì 24 novembre 2010

Whats on my mind

People usually have something on there mind for days may be weeks or even month. I tend to be different concerning this point..

I get new things on my mind every hour.. i get excited sometimes tooooooo excited and after maybe a min or 2 these things change.. I think its a consequence of the series of disappointment ive been living throu.. well let me tell you more about myself..

I am the kind of person who day dreams.. I think i am the number 1 day dreamer whos considered sane in life. i day dream at work. i day dream driving .. i day dream all the time.. well i think there is a reason behind that ive been spending a huge part of my day alone.. i speak to my self.. i discuss issues with my brain...

 a lot of people i talk to envy me for the fact that i get to travel and see different places and meet new people.... well guys you dunno a thing.. you dunno how horrible the quietness sound like.. you dunno how painfull it is to go out to eat just to eat.. you dunno how it feels to not get a txt on your birthday or eid or any other time..

i asked a friend of mine today "if you had to describe me to someone what would you say" she replied "your the only one i know who does this job and actually happy about it.. your devotion is nothing like anyone else".. my reply was "FUCK" i don't really like the fact that i have nothing going on in my life except for gas turbines and MK VI..

i think i dont have anything more to say..

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