lunedì 29 novembre 2010

none sense..

Sometimes i sit and wonder how much did i miss..
The fact that i saw my beautiful nieces only twice in there lives.
I missed being a teenager running around with no care in the world
I missed being in love trying to make everything work
I missed enjoying the most beautiful years of anyones life trapped in a circle in which your driven by the fact that you know that you should be the best
I missed having a talent or even trying to have a talent
I missed the age when i could do anything and not to be blamed cause that's what the age dictate.

I am not sad i missed all these things ... but i always always believed in something .. Do what you can know cause maybe a second later you wouldn't.....

people may say i am a bit pessimistic well i am not .. I am just lost.. not as lost as a cocain addict or a drunkie.. but more disoriented ... not in physical terms .. but in life... I am 24 .. but i feel 50..

Ciao e' Bouna Nutte Tutti

domenica 28 novembre 2010

soaked in the rain by a marathon

So today i woke up in the morning decided to go to Ralph Lauren to buy stuff for my niece's (what would you call the daughter of you cousin !!!) anyways.. i went outside took my umbrella wrapped myself with everything i can wear and still move... I took the bus to take me to city center where i would take another bus (why the hell i am starting to type in italian then strike it out and write in english) to my destination. The first bus stopped 2 mins after i walked in and everyone had to go out .. i asked the driver "I need to go to santa maria nouvella" he said "a piedi" i starred at him and said to my self "Porka miesery ". It was raining as if there is no tomorrow. endless rain and i had to walk almost 5 KM in 30 mins (note the speed of walking of a human being is 7KM/Hr ) so i did the math and its possible.. i kept walking walking walking getting soaked to the bones.. as i walk by the Temp display in the street is showing 8C then 6 C then 4C and i was like Shit.. anywho. i arrived to the point where the bus should depart unfortunately since today is the BIG MARATHON in Florence and all these stupid people are running in the rain the bus stop had been changed i called the hotel and got direction to where i should go and from what the guy said i had to walk back almost 1 KM well its ok.. and i was blessed to finally find the bus.. 

I went there i bought them the stuff and i figured out something .. im gonna freak-en spoil my kids  they will get isA everything they would want and i mean everything "How can you tell a kid no " this is something i don't think is possible... when i was buying the stuff i never looked at the price tag instead when i buy something for myself the price can make or break a deal but for them no way its done as long as they like it. 

Anyway i went back .. i am planning to go to a pakistani resturant tonight.. it was recommended to be good so lets hope so.. 

Ciao Tutti 

sabato 27 novembre 2010

This post has the good the bad and the ugly..

Lets start with the good ... so today i went shopping i wanted to buy a good wallet (portfolio a'italiano) and ended up not finding anything good but on the another note i bought a burberry skirt for my year and a half cousin daughter and a burberry shirt for my other cousin daughter. Damn these tinny things are amazing and i showed them the stuff i got on skype today and even the little girls smiled and loved them. I am sure they dont really understand what are these, but they knew that i got it to them cause i just love them to death.. I love you tooly and lalola.. despite the fact that i saw you both twice since you were born but i just adore you bambini.. on the same good note i did buy the Mocca machine i always wanted (lets hope it doesn't break in the luggage or i will put all my anger on Lufthansa)

As for the bad note. ive been feeling extremely lonely in here.. i have no urge to do anything i skipped a trip with the guys to genova cause i wanted to get the girls the stuff and i think the smile on there faces is worth even a trip to NYC.. but still i am feeling down but its ok..i will soon get over it.

As for the ugly   i went to the lebanease resturant yesterday.. and the 40 years old waitress was hitting on me. first she asked me about my birthday then she said ohhhh scorpio.. then she winked at me and said "Molto Duru" which i think meant something not decent .. then she offered me a free cafe and said "aphrodisiac" which scared the hell out of me. Ive been in Italy on and off for 5 month now and the only female that hits on me is a 40 years old waitress from Sicily...

and now i am off to bed..

mercoledì 24 novembre 2010

Whats on my mind

People usually have something on there mind for days may be weeks or even month. I tend to be different concerning this point..

I get new things on my mind every hour.. i get excited sometimes tooooooo excited and after maybe a min or 2 these things change.. I think its a consequence of the series of disappointment ive been living throu.. well let me tell you more about myself..

I am the kind of person who day dreams.. I think i am the number 1 day dreamer whos considered sane in life. i day dream at work. i day dream driving .. i day dream all the time.. well i think there is a reason behind that ive been spending a huge part of my day alone.. i speak to my self.. i discuss issues with my brain...

 a lot of people i talk to envy me for the fact that i get to travel and see different places and meet new people.... well guys you dunno a thing.. you dunno how horrible the quietness sound like.. you dunno how painfull it is to go out to eat just to eat.. you dunno how it feels to not get a txt on your birthday or eid or any other time..

i asked a friend of mine today "if you had to describe me to someone what would you say" she replied "your the only one i know who does this job and actually happy about it.. your devotion is nothing like anyone else".. my reply was "FUCK" i don't really like the fact that i have nothing going on in my life except for gas turbines and MK VI..

i think i dont have anything more to say..

lunedì 22 novembre 2010

First Post

I think trying this blog thing 2 times before didnt work out. I really dont know why .. but i always hoped something would change in my life through this blog. Crazy.. youp thats sounds more like me .. but i decided to start a new one as a way to vent out some of the things thats been going on and pissing me off..

If your looking through this blog waiting to read something that would be funny or inspiring then please flip away.. this is gonna be personal to a great extent.

I really liked the fact that i was able to create this blog while using blogspot in italian. my language is getting pretty good i can sometimes fool italians, and i understand the stupid things they speak about together.

Something worth mentioning is that yesterday i saw 2 girls kissing in the mall... this is something i would spread to the world cause as an egyptian i am maybe the first to see 2 lesbians live in action in a public place.

I just wanted to say that it has no hidden meaning or anything .

I have been in italy now for 2 weeks it feels like forever i have spent my 24th birthday alll alone. i didnt even get a fucken cake.. its ok this is my second birthday to spend by myself. speaking about missing things.. this my third EID away from home. Dates are just Dates right.. they come and go...  beside since i had my face book off basically no one remembered my birthday which makes sense if face book didnt exist i would have never remembered anyone birthday ..

For the first time in a really long time i miss home.. i really do miss cairo.. the worst thing is when you travel from a foreign country to another foreign country .. you travel with the fact that no one cares..

What i would like to mention is that despite the fact that i am feeling down.. i have a super power.. that i have never meet a person who has similar powers. I am a master of disguise no body around me would ever know wether i am sad ...depressed about to commit suicide or wether i am full of joy .. God (The Allmighty) gave me the power of energy i am always active jumping all over the place.

Anyways.. i think thats enought of now.. i will probably go out for dinner.. pasta as usual.. LOL..

Ciao Tutti