lunedì 22 novembre 2010

First Post

I think trying this blog thing 2 times before didnt work out. I really dont know why .. but i always hoped something would change in my life through this blog. Crazy.. youp thats sounds more like me .. but i decided to start a new one as a way to vent out some of the things thats been going on and pissing me off..

If your looking through this blog waiting to read something that would be funny or inspiring then please flip away.. this is gonna be personal to a great extent.

I really liked the fact that i was able to create this blog while using blogspot in italian. my language is getting pretty good i can sometimes fool italians, and i understand the stupid things they speak about together.

Something worth mentioning is that yesterday i saw 2 girls kissing in the mall... this is something i would spread to the world cause as an egyptian i am maybe the first to see 2 lesbians live in action in a public place.

I just wanted to say that it has no hidden meaning or anything .

I have been in italy now for 2 weeks it feels like forever i have spent my 24th birthday alll alone. i didnt even get a fucken cake.. its ok this is my second birthday to spend by myself. speaking about missing things.. this my third EID away from home. Dates are just Dates right.. they come and go...  beside since i had my face book off basically no one remembered my birthday which makes sense if face book didnt exist i would have never remembered anyone birthday ..

For the first time in a really long time i miss home.. i really do miss cairo.. the worst thing is when you travel from a foreign country to another foreign country .. you travel with the fact that no one cares..

What i would like to mention is that despite the fact that i am feeling down.. i have a super power.. that i have never meet a person who has similar powers. I am a master of disguise no body around me would ever know wether i am sad ...depressed about to commit suicide or wether i am full of joy .. God (The Allmighty) gave me the power of energy i am always active jumping all over the place.

Anyways.. i think thats enought of now.. i will probably go out for dinner.. pasta as usual.. LOL..

Ciao Tutti

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